We all start somewhere…

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We all start somewhere. Images of sugar cookies with royal icing made by a beginner.

These are the first homemade sugar cookies I’d ever made. I didn’t even think they looked bad. Especially after I added some decorations. So if you’re feeling frustrated, just remember we all start somewhere! My icing consistencies were all off. The piping bags I was using were too stiff. And don’t even get me started on the cookie spread. But hopefully with a few tips, I can help you avoid making the same mistakes I did.


  • When it comes to royal icing, I currently use an outline and a flood consistency to decorate my cookies. But if you’re just starting out, I recommend going with a medium consistency to do both. A medium consistency would be similar to that of a ranch dressing (I hope that makes sense). You can always add more water to make it thinner or add powdered sugar to make it thicker. Royal icing is so tricky but I promise you will get better with each try.
  • If you don’t have a scribe, use a toothpick to pop any bubbles.
  • And my favorite tip is to give your cookie a good shake! It really smooths out the icing. Hold the edges of your cookie (without touching the icing) and shake it back and forth on the table/counter. This is when that ranch consistency is your friend. It shouldn’t be so thin that is spreads over the side of your cookie.
  • If your sugar cookie recipe calls for chill time, make sure you chill it as directed. Or your cookie will not keep it’s shape.

Remember how I said the decorating hid some of the flaws? Key word being “some” of them. But the funny thing is that no one noticed them but me. This is what I have to keep reminding myself when I get hyper-focused on perfection. The whole point is to have fun while you are doing something you love!

On a completely unrelated note, check out what a difference lighting can make. This picture is the exact same as the photo below. Adjusting the exposure and shadows on an image can do wonders. So if you are like me and love to create content for social media, making sure your lighting is good is super important. You really don’t need fancy editing apps to make your photos pop.

We all start somewhere. Images of sugar cookies with royal icing made by a beginner.

Check out more sugar cookie tips & trick here. For even more sweet treat inspiration, follow me on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube.

xoxo, Jenn